The Road to building a private practice is paved with so many twists and turns.  Having knowledge of how to properly set up and run your business is key.  This is a three part Tuesday Q&A blog post.  So many questions come in about how to start a practice, set up certain services in a practice, and what to do if you started your practice the wrong way.  We will be addressing this over the next three weeks.

Today, I want to share how to get started in business, based on the lessons I learned when I started my own private practice in 2010.  Thankfully, I documented parts of my journey for such a time as this.  I knew that if I was going through these different phases that I wouldn’t be alone. This blog will cover:

  • What to Consider Before Starting a Private Practice Journey
  • Building the Foundation and Having a Plan
  • My Motivation for Starting a Private Practice
  • Keeping Your Eyes on YOUR Goals
  • How NOT to Choose a Private Practice Location  


*This booklet was updated in 2014 but this info is EVERGREEN. Also note I am now an LPC and no longer carry the CPCS credential. I stopped supervising APC’s in 2017.

 Click the image below to open part I of this blog series.
Cover: PP Journey