There are instructions on how to do everything from putting together a desk (thank you IKEA for the easiest directions ever) to building a sustainable business from the ground up.  Many people have gone before you and acquired the knowledge and skills needed to build their businesses.  Many are willing to help you build your own and support you in reaching whatever goals you may have.  Sometimes it can all SEEM so easy, like cut and paste.  Sometimes, you might find yourself following the instructions of others, blending in where you are meant to stand out.

It’s easy when entrepreneurs have a blueprint of how to do things, isn’t it?  It’s wonderful when someone, who has been there and done that, seeks to explain in step by step detail what you need to do to build your business.  Well, it’s not the same formula for the entrepreneur who is taking their faith with them as they build their business.  You can’t just do what everyone else does, you can’t just cut and paste.  You need the strength to not only ask God what He wants you to do with the business He gave you, but also have the strength to follow the directions given, without ad libbing.  Don’t cringe if you have done this.  You are definitely NOT alone!

Let’s take a look at what it looks to ad lib what God is instructing us to do in business.  Here are a few examples for ya!

  • God lays it on your heart to work with a particular population of people.  You decide that might be too hard or labor intense right now and decide to try a different population first to see how that goes. OR How about this one —->  You don’t think that population played on your heart is a profitable enough road to travel so you decide to work with a different population first.  Figuring you will swing back around to working with the first population later on, once you’ve made more money.
  • He places on your heart a desire for YOU to offer certain products and/or services.  Fear grips you so strongly that you convince yourself that you couldn’t possibly handle that task and you seek to outsource it to someone else.  By bringing someone else on your team to do it or contracting the work out to another person or company.
  • Being instructed to offer a service pro-bono.  After considering the amount in your business account, you charge them but decrease the fee.
  • Forgetting how many times He gave you customers and clients, you figure you’ll get around to self care when you see your client or product numbers increase.  Working yourself to the bone and to the point that your business quality suffers.

This is what happened to the people in the book of Isaiah 58.  Although they had been instructed on how to God wanted them to do something (fast and pray in this case), they did it with their own chaotic twist.  They were “ad libbing”,  a.k.a flat out not following directions.  It’s no wonder that they cried out, all shocked and distressed because doing it their way wasn’t giving them the results they were looking for.

So what are some ways that faith and business can be brought together, no remixing and no ad libbing?

  • Get into a quiet place, removed from all distractions.  You need the quiet to focus on the interaction you are having with God and how He is speaking to your spirit about how He wants you to help change the world around you.
  • Write it out.  Get plans out of your head and onto your computer or paper.  Start with a goal and then several actionable steps, that you got out of your prayer time.
  • Seek support and business consultation.  Join with like-minded entrepreneurs to talk through your business journey.  Get support that will help you in developing wisdom, punching out fear and worry, strengthening your business tools, and creating processes that will allow you to make positive progress in executing your business plan(s). 
  • Rest.  It’s great to be busy. Entrepreneurs are wildly creative and busy people!  They have ideas floating everywhere!  However, our minds and bodies need a break.  Not a quick 30 minute nap type of break either.  A turn your mind, phone, and computer OFF kind of break.  The kind of break that gets you back in touch with people, hobbies, and creating new memories.  Remember, these are the only bodies we have and we must do better to treat them as the special temples they are meant to be.


Have you seen the benefits of having the strength to follow His plans for your business?  Share your story!

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